We are a vibrant community of faith in Warminster, PA. Our church is diverse generationally. Our worship reflects this with a blend of contemporary and traditional worship music.

We are good news people
We are a community who are defined by the good news – also called the Gospel. The Gospel is the proclamation that Jesus, the crucified and risen Messiah, is the one, true and only Lord of the world. The whole Christian Gospel could be summed up in this point: that when the living God looks at us, at every baptized and believing Christian, he says to us what he said to Jesus on the day of his baptism, “You are my beloved child.” He sees us, not as we are in ourselves, but as we are in Jesus Christ.
We welcome everyone
The radical message of the Gospel is that all people, no matter their cultural, religious, past failures, or present circumstances, are defined first and foremost by the grace of God. Grace is a word that means to receive something that is unearned or not deserved. We believe we can do nothing to make God love us more or less. The God we know in Jesus Christ loves us whether we go to church or not, whether we are a Christian or not. God loves all; as they are, no exceptions. We seek to apply Jesus’ teaching in our life not to earn God’s approval but out of gratitude for all that God has done for us in Christ Jesus.